Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Lee Atwater, fully Harvey LeRoy "Lee" Atwater

American Political Consultant and Strategist, Republican National Committee Chairman, Advisor to President Ronald Reagan and President George H.W. Bush

"My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood."

"I don't know who will lead us through the '90s, but they must be made to speak to this spiritual vacuum at the heart of American society, this tumor of the soul. "

"It took a deadly illness to put me eye to eye with that truth, but it is a truth that the country, caught up in its ruthless ambitions and moral decay, can learn on my dime. "

"Just keep stirring the pot, you never know what will come up."

"Perception is reality. "